NOTE: The Kakariko Herald team will only EVER contact you from email addresses. Exercise caution if you get an email from anyone that asks for personal information or otherwise looks suspicious!
I need support for my Nintendo product/service
We’re not affiliated with Nintendo, so we can’t offer support for their products here. We have many guides that may be have interest to you, but we’d recommend visiting for assistance. Thank you!
I have a news tip!
- For non-confidential news tips, please email [email protected].
- For confidential news tips, we’ll have a secure method of reporting them soon.
I want to contact a member of the news team directly
I’m a PR department/firm for a game studio/related company
Please note we do not accept news tips at either of these addresses. Thank you.
- Press Releases and Media Notifications: Please send all press releases and any enquiries to [email protected]. This address is filtered to accept emails from PR departments and firms only, and the whole team can see emails sent to it.
- Review Codes: Please send review codes to [email protected] with detailed information about the game it is for. If you send these out to the press release email automatically, don’t worry–you don’t have to send them here again! By sending review codes to Kakariko Herald, you acknowledge and agree to our Review and Scoring Policies.