
Review Policy

Review Policy

Updated August 15, 2022

Game and Product Reviews

Kakariko Herald (“KH”) may receive access to games or products for review. They are provided to the site, for free, for the purpose of review and providing a subjective opinion: that’s it.

If a product provided to KH for free was used to develop a Review for the site, it will be disclosed by the following notice (with a link to this policy):

[insert game/product name here] was provided to Kakariko Herald by [insert company name here] for review.

Should you give KH access to review units of your game/product, you hereby understand that there is absolutely no guarantee KH will provide coverage of your game/product. We reserve the right to provide, or not provide, coverage at our discretion.

Paid Reviews

KH does not, under any circumstances, do paid reviews. Doing so would go against many ethical boundaries that we will never cross as a publication. While paid advertising is something we’re open to, it does not guarantee the game/product a spot on our editorial calendar. Additionally, while our editorial team is small, a separate (even smaller) team handles ads sales โ€” guaranteeing that all editorial content remains free of bias and/or favoritism.


This policy is heavily enforced, as we believe integrity as a news outlet is important, and it ensures that anything we share is genuine and representative of our feelings towards the game/product.

For more information about how this affects (or rather, doesn’t effect) the scoring of reviews, please see our specific Review Scoring Policy, which is followed after the review has been checked against this policy.

TL:DR – Our editorial calendar is not, and never will be, for sale!