Nintendo has released an update which should fix online play issues that folks have experienced for the last bit. The patch notes from Nintendo directly are below:
- “We fixed an error that occurs during pre-match loading under certain conditions, causing the software to close.
- This update data (Ver. 1.2.2) may not resolve the issue this time for some players so we are preparing the next update data (Ver. 1.2.3) distribution for them.”
Additionally, Nintendo has confirmed that there will be compensation distributed as an apology for the outage.
“For those who have Nintendo Switch Sports and are currently a member of Nintendo Switch Online, the membership period will be extended by one week. Details will follow in the future.
Between October 17, 2022 and November 2, 2022, points earned when playing “Play Globally” will double on all sports.
- Normally, 1.1x to 1.3x points are given in “Random” or in one of the sports.
- There are plans for a method to collect rewards missed during this time. Details will follow in the future.”
And should Ver. 1.2.2 not fix connectivity issues for you, then don’t worry, as Nintendo says that Ver 1.2.3 (which is coming within the next few days) will do so.
[Sources: Nintendo Support 1, Nintendo Support 2, GoNintendo]