New events and content now available!
Fire Emblem Heroes has received another content update, here’s what has been added!
- [Events] A returning Forging Bonds event, A New Future, is now live. It features the following Heroes: Lysithea (Earnest Seeker), Edelgard (Adrestian Emperor), Claude (Almyra’s King), and Dimitri (King of Faerghus) (available until June 3rd)
- [Summoning] A returning Summoning Focus is now live: A New Future. It features the following Heroes: Lysithea (Earnest Seeker), Edelgard (Adrestian Emperor), Claude (Almyra’s King), and Dimitri (King of Faerghus) (available until June 3rd)
- [Events] You can now vote for the next returning Forging Bond Event and related New Heroes Summoning Event [link unavailable] (available until May 31st)
- [Events] The Counter Phase of the latest Mjölnir Strike event is now live (available until March 27th)
Some of these items are only available for a limited time, so make sure to log into the app on iOS and Android ASAP!