Here are the latest additions in content to Fire Emblem Heroes for March 22nd, 2022!
- [Summoning] A new Summoning Focus is now live: AHR 2022. It features the following Heroes: Corrin (Nightfall Ninja Act), Edelgard (Hegemon Husk), Sigurd (Fated Holy Knight), and Thorr (War God) (available until March 31st)
- [Coliseum] Season 92 of Resonant Battles is now live. The bonus titles are: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and Fire Emblem: Three Houses (available until March 29th)
- [Aether Keeps] Season 172 of Aether Raids is now live (available until March 29th)
- Bonus Heroes (HP+10, Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 + Lift+20 and Double EXP and SP if you win a battle): Ashera (Order Goddess), Seiros (Saint of Legend), Sonya (Dazzling Rabbits), Delthea (Prodigy in Bloom), Henry (Peculiar Egg), Maria (Sunny Smile), Luthier (Spring Hopes), Gerome (Masked Rider), Leif (Unifier of Thracia), and Anna (Commander)
- Bonus Structures (Level +1): Infantry School (O, D)
[Source: Perfectly Nintendo]