
Fire Emblem Heroes – May 7th Content Update

A new set of story maps is now available! Here’s the latest in Fire Emblem Heroes content for May 7th: – [Events] The latest Forging Bonds event, Forces of…

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Fire Emblem Heroes – May 7th Content Update

A new set of story maps is now available!

Here’s the latest in Fire Emblem Heroes content for May 7th:

– [Events] The latest Forging Bonds event, Forces of Will, is now live. It features the following Heroes: Dimitri (Savage Boar), Morgan (Fated Darkness), Morgan (Devoted Darkness), Edelgard (Hegemon Husk) (available until May 21st?)
– [Summoning] A new Summoning Focus is now live: Forces of Will. It features the following Heroes: Dimitri (Savage Boar), Morgan (Fated Darkness), Morgan (Devoted Darkness), Edelgard (Hegemon Husk) (available until May 29th?)
– [Story Maps] A new set of Story Maps, and more precisely a Story Chapter called Bound Elsewhere is now live (no end date)
– [Quests] A new set of Quests is now live: Bound Elsewhere (available until May 29th?)
– [Log-in Bonus] A new set of Daily Log-in Bonuses is now live: New Heroes Log-in Bonus. (available until May 20th?)
– [Events] The latest Quintuple EXP & SP event is now live (available until May 10th)

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